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Tips to Stop Your Dog from Barking



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Tips to Stop Your Dog from Barking

Barking is a normal part of dog communication. However, we all know how noisy it can be, especially at the times we don’t want to hear it. Unfortunately, it can get you into trouble with the neighbours if its frequent and loud. This month’s blog gives you tips to prevent this.

Bear in mind even if the barks sound scary, they usually don’t mean harm. It’s their way of speaking essentially, and they might be craving attention.


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Don’t Tell Your Dog Off

Although the barking may be frustrating, it’s important to remember to never actually tell your dog off. It can often make them feel anxious or confused about you. This can make the situation worse as your dog could bark even more due to the confusion caused.

Bear in mind even if the barks sound scary, they usually don’t mean harm. It’s their way of speaking essentially, and they might be craving attention.

German Shepard Jumping for Treat
Dachshund on a Ramp
2 Dogs on a Ramp
Dog getting a Shower

Avoid Things That Your Dog Finds Scary

As silly as it may sound. A lot of dogs bark when they feel scared. A prime example that many will be able to relate to is; when someone walks by a window and your dog won’t stop barking. 

A solution to this, is maybe cover the window up. This will obviously stop your dog being able to see out the window which triggers a bark. However, scared dogs may need support from a behaviourist to find out exactly what is wrong and what can be done.

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Keep Your Dog Active

Dogs are more likely to bark if they’re bored and are not getting enough mental or physical exercise. A good thing to do, is making sure you spend quality time with your dog and keeping them active and engaged. This will also be fun for the pair of you./p>

German Shepard Jumping for Treat
Dachshund on a Ramp
2 Dogs on a Ramp
Dog getting a Shower

Don’t Reward Your Dog

Reward them for staying quiet instead. Your dog will never learn if they are rewarded for behaviour YOU want to stop. In their heads, a reward means they are doing well. A simple thing you can do is just ignore them. If your dog doesn’t get a reaction, over time they will calm down as they realise, they are getting nowhere with this action.

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North Lizard Riding School

Author North Lizard Riding School

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